painting ideas to overcome creative blocks

by | Aug 9, 2023

unleash your creativity: painting ideas to fuel your inspiration

Hi friends! Are you in need of a little artistic inspiration? We’ve all been there – experiencing those frustrating moments when our creative juices just won’t flow. In this blog post, we’ll explore some painting ideas to help overcome those pesky creative blocks and reignite that spark of inspiration.

30 Days of Painting Challenge

Nearly the entire collection of paintings I created in a “30 Days of Painting” challenge

why painting inspiration is important for artists

Creative blocks can make us feel stuck and uninspired, but exploring new painting ideas is the secret to breaking free and unleashing our creativity. As artists, we face challenges like self-doubt, lack of motivation, and fear of the blank canvas. By discovering fresh painting inspiration, we can find renewed motivation, overcome challenges, and discover new avenues for artistic expression.

Reflection Painting | Key and Sea Creative | Pauline Wegman

Original acrylic painting titled “Lake Views” based on the landscape and scenery around my old neighborhood
Purchase the original painting here!

painting ideas for beginners

Let’s start with our beginner artists out there! If you’re just starting your artistic journey, it’s important to begin with simple and accessible painting ideas. Here are a few to get you started:

    • Landscape Painting: Capture the beauty of nature and explore different techniques for creating stunning landscapes. Sift through photos you’ve taken, gather inspiration on the web, or grab your brushes and scope out the landscape in your own backyard!
    • Still Life: Arrange everyday objects (e.g. fruit, flowers, fabric, etc.) and paint them. Pay attention to light, shadow, and texture–it’s a wonderful way to practice observation and hone your skills. Sometimes I find that just the act of searching my house and curating a still life gets me excited about painting.

Remember, as a beginner, it’s all about experimenting and finding joy in the process. Start with basic materials and gather inspiration from artists you admire!

Coastal Still Life Photo | Imager Reference for Painting

A still life I set up from scouring my house for objects fitting a coastal vibe.

Coastal Still Life | Original Acrylic Painting

The end result! Finished original acrylic painting titled “Coastal Still Life”
Art prints available here!

painting ideas for advanced artists

For advanced artists, sometimes you need to push your artistic boundaries in order to reignite your passion:

    • Abstract Art: Let your imagination run wild and explore abstract forms, colors, and textures. Try letting go of any preconceived notions and just create. This is a great opportunity to break free from your typical style and explore new mediums.
    • Series Painting: Challenge yourself to create a series of paintings centered around a theme or concept. For example, you could commit to painting every day for a month, or create three paintings of Jell-O (I’ve done both of these–highly recommend painting Jell-O 😂). In my experience these challenges will deepen your artistic exploration while giving yourself a goal to work toward.

As an experienced artist, you’re equipped with a wide range of materials and techniques. Experiment with different mediums and set goals to challenge yourself to push your artistic boundaries.

Lemon Jello | Original Acrylic Painting
Strawberry Jello | Original Acrylic Painting
Lime Jello | Original Acrylic Painting

Trio of original acrylic Jell-O paintings
Art prints available: Lemon Jello, Strawberry Jello, Lime Jello

challenges for artists

Trying new painting ideas can sometimes feel daunting, but remember, the most rewarding experiences come from pushing through those challenges. Here are a some common hurdles artists face along with advice to help you overcome them:

    • Fear of Failure: Embrace the possibility of making mistakes. They are simply opportunities for growth and discovery. Embrace imperfections and let them guide you towards your creative vision.
    • Overwhelm: Break down large projects into smaller, manageable tasks. Focus on one aspect at a time to maintain your motivation and avoid feeling overwhelmed. I always find the act of brain-dumping super helpful; write down all your thoughts to get them out of your head, then sift through them, devise a plan, and tackle one thing at a time.
Misty Morning Original Painting | Key and Sea Creative

One of my favorite paintings I created during the “30 Days of Painting” challenge. This original acrylic painting is titled “Misty Morning”
Purchase art prints or the original painting!

remember, creative blocks are temporary

It’s important to remember that creative blocks are temporary–with the right mindset and some inspiration, you can conquer any challenge that comes your way. So, grab your brushes, put together a still life in your home, seek out a nice spot to paint outdoors, or commit to a painting challenge–once you get started, you’ll forget you were ever stuck in. the first place!

Pauline Wegman | Key and Sea Creative

meet Pauline

Hi! I’m Pauline–the artist + designer behind the Key and Sea Creative brand. I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments section. Feel free to learn more about me, or get in contact with me directly.

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